Monday, January 20, 2014

Intention - The New Resolution

Set yourself up for success this year. Create powerful intentions!

The New Year is a time of assessment, commitment, and renewal. The energy is buzzing with the annual talk of goals and resolutions, which ordinarily carry attachments to an outcome we’re hoping to achieve, accompanied by a specific set of strict actions or behaviors and a rigid timeline to achieve said outcome. If you’ve already made a resolution for 2014 and “broken” it, you will be pleased to know there is a more powerful and pleasant way to create transformation in the New Year—and you can begin now from wherever you are. Intention is the new resolution!
Intentions set us up for success by stretching beyond the traditional resolution into the realm of infinite possibility and pure potential. An intention expands the affirmative quality of the resolution, while softening expectations of how we believe things should unfold . . . it is like sending a whisper out to the universe as we say “yes” to our vision, and plant the seeds for our deepest soul desires to come to life. It is intention that initiates inner transformation—its potency enhanced by stillness, deep listening, and faith. With no agenda or attachment to a particular result, intentions create space for divine design to enter into our lives, often producing miracles we could never conceive on our own. When we set an intention, we balance our own focused energy with the power of release, ease, and belief that all will unfold for our highest good.
Open the door to your infinite potential with this intention setting practice:
  1. Make a list of all of your dreams and desires. Visualize everything on the list being carefully planted in your heart. Review your list before you go into silence and meditation, before bed, and upon waking. Send love and light to these dreams keeping your intention alive in your heart.

  2. Let go. Quietly release your list of desires, gently surrendering to the movement of the universe. Trust that when things don’t seem to go your way, there is a reason, and that the cosmic plan has designs much grander than those you conceived.

  3. Practice present-moment awareness. As you spend time in stillness, through meditation and other mindful practices, and begin to accept the present moment as it is, you open and make space for your deepest, most cherished intentions and desires to sprout and grow.
In Deepak’s Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Thursday’s Law of Intention and Desire states that an intention synchronistically organizes its own fulfillment. Plant the seeds of your dreams today, tend to your garden daily, and watch your life blossom this year!

   I am reading this from the Mandala Meditation Newsletter this morning.  I see that in Sanskrit, Mandala means "circle".  The emphasis is Focus...Wisdom...Support.
   I needed to read these words this morning.  Now I need to feel these words.  To practice these words.  I have felt a bit overwhelmed lately as there is so much I want to do, to get done, and each day is filled with tasks to make these "to do's" easier and smoother in the long run, but I've yet to get them.  I feel I'm going in circles, and it doesn't feel like the Mandala circle, trying to get tasks done, but I'm doing too many and none have been completed.
   I've been trying to prepare for the Chinese New Year with a deep-cleaned house.  Already I feel a wonderful energy flowing throughout that I haven't felt in a very long while.  More than half the house has been deep-cleaned, with the other half getting done in bits and chunks.  The intention is there and shall get done.  I know I did not create this clutter overnight so cut myself some slack.
   I want to be creative.  I have cut and foiled a seascape stained glass window which has sat patiently awaiting my love for well over two weeks now.  I know that if I start to solder my obsession and passion will call for all of me...mind, body, soul, and time.  But taxes needed to be prepared.  Finances need to be organized.  Book work needs to get in order which means inventory which means where the hell are all my supplies and why are they spread out throughout the house and garage?  Oh, my.  
   Shouldn't I be making some money?  As one thing led to another last week I I found myself spending a few days working on a budget last week and, yes I should be making some money.  Well, shouldn't I update my website?  Shouldn't I come up with some new designs?  Shouldn't I find a new supplier that doesn't charge an arm and a leg for shipping and handling to Hawai'i?  Shouldn't I turn off my brain and say "Thank You" for sitting out in the patio this morning, looking at the ocean and a swimming pool, and feeling the breeze (God wrapping His arms around me!), with a laptop and a cup of Kona coffee?  Yeah, that's what I'll do.  Be grateful.
   And today I shall set my intentions.  I know they shall be achieved...without my doing!  Baby steps, Dee.  Release them to the universe and enjoy the ride!
   Enjoy your ride!  Let me know where it takes you as shall I.  What a great journey I'm on and how blessed to be able to share it with you!
   Aloha and Namaste...Dee

   For those interested in checking out my website, I did update most of it last night less the order forms, which might get done today.  But as I was updating I realized my binders were a mess and papers were stacked up everywhere and they needed to be organized...yadda, yadda, yadda...  My website is  Mahalo and enjoy!

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