---Tao Te Ching
As I enjoy today's meditation from 21 Days of Gratitude from MentorsChannel.com, so much has been brought to mind about the past two months since I retired from Safeway to pursue my passion in art and create a new business, Deesigns by Harris. And I am taught early in the meditation "should random thoughts appear accept them and allowance them to move through your consciousness as floating clouds that appear then disappear". In other words, "Be quiet, Brain!"
With my meditation now complete I am urged to write the feelings that have come to me from this morning's quiet time. The topic for today is "Setting Goals and Letting Go". I love the reinforcement of going with the flow and letting go of expectations. I have learned in AA "No expectations. No disappointments". Great slogan. I love that I can be grateful for this day, for the moment, that it is the only thing that matters. I often lose sight of this simple message as the day evolves and things get crazy...as I get crazy, as I allow myself to get crazy.
Thought for the day "I set my goals, allow the power of the living universe to take over...and I enjoy the ride". How sweet is that? Another slogan "Let Go. Let God". For me to follow my heart and quiet my brain is a work in progress. To have accepted that I am not in charge, never have been, never will be. Such an easier, softer way to live rather than being in control, or thinking I was. That conflict and friction that lived within me, tormented me for most of my life, has now been removed.
Getting back to these last two months, I had no idea how to put together an online business to sell my art. My passion is creating art, not selling it. So I study and study, and research and research, trial and error, hit and miss, so on and so forth. I have learned so much each and every day. It's awesome and exciting and rejuvenating! Yes, change is good. Such a journey getting from point A to point B. Sometimes that includes doing things we're not so fond of doing, but yet still part of the journey to achieve the dream.
So as I let go of what I am, a new entrepreneur in a high tech world off to sell her passion, I am able to become what I might be...an artist who gets to share her gifts with those who want to enjoy those gifts and a part of my life creating them. Such hope and dreams await me at the end of the rainbow! As I let go of what I am, an alcoholic in recovery, I am able to become what I might be, a caring person who offers hope, a kind word, and a smile to the newcomer who has yet to find peace.
When I am able to set my goals and then let them go like stress clouds during meditation, things just start to happen just the way they are supposed to. And I am right where I need to be. On my journey.
It is the mystery of the unknown that adds color and dimension to our lives. Let go, let God, move into that place of wonder and breathe in the magic! Walk in gratitude today giving thanks for your ability not only to dream the dream, but to live them.
Thank you Louie Schwartzberg for a beautiful meditation and inspirational words. With that I leave you to have a mighty fine day. Until next week...Aloha, Dee.
For those interested in visiting my website of Gifts in Recovery and Hawai'i Art, please visit my website at www.DeesignsByHarris.com. Mahalo!